Edward Einhorn blends absurdist humor with philosophy in these critically acclaimed plays. Golem Stories retells an old Kabalistic legend. It’s a ghost story and a love story, about a childlike clay man who may be a demon inside. In The Living Methuselah, the oldest living man survives every disaster is human history, with the help of his wife Serach, the oldest living woman. But when a doctor tells him he will only live until the end of the play, will this be his final curtain? To find the title character of A Shylock, Jacob Levy interrogates every character in The Merchant of Venice, but oddly Hamlet may know the most-although this Hamlet is a woman. And in One-Eyed Moses and the Churning Red Sea, Rabbi Tzipporah Finestein dreams Moses is a pirate captain, but what do the dreams mean? Two congregants hold the key.
Read a historical guide to the golem, or excerpts from Golem Stories, A Shylock, or The Living Methuselah
"The story is engaging and the Jewish lore is appropriately and authentically woven throughout the text."
"Each legendary eponymous hero gets a turn in the spotlight, backed by a supporting cast of quirky characters and a plot that is original, provocative, and, above all, humorous."
New Jersey Jewish News
"Einhorn’s take on each is indeed irreverent and quirky—and makes for good reading...Einhorn is an original thinker and a gifted dramatist."
Jewish Post & Opinion
"This collection of plays makes for a wonderful introduction to Einhorn's work and reveals an incisive mind which has a flair for injecting even serious and heart-wrenching tales with a deep-belly laughing humor."
Book Help
"This tongue-in-cheek look at some of the legends of Judaism is...a welcome addition to any dramatic collection."
Association of Jewish Libraries
200 pages
ISBN 0-977-0197-0-5